Friday, November 13, 2009

Spitters! Pity Delhi!

Imagine a Delhi full of SPITS! Every road, every lane, every corner, just everywhere, Delhi full of spits on the roads and walls (even trees many times become the victims of spitters). Would you like to walk? Or even step out of your house? Imagine, your feet (girls with pedicure done recently), landing up on a layer of spit made by our proud spitters, shit! It will actually look like shit. Why I am talking all this crap is just to make you realize that one day this will be the situation actually if we don’t volunteer on our own and obviously we would never want our Delhi to look like this.
This problem of spitting is majorly in our city only, the capital itself. Just step out of Delhi and see the clean streets of Chandigarh, Shimla, etc. places where people adhere to rules strictly, if not cent percent but 90% at least. When plastic bags were banned their, that was in motion their but not in Delhi. So, why Delhi people are so arrogant to become a little civilized? Why only few areas are clean, not complete Delhi?
Wake up people! Stop rickshawalas, workers (mainly lower class), some rich ones even do that (slowly they pull down their window panes, take out their face a little and spit out the tobacco they had been chewing), youngsters (chewing gum comes under their attitude, attitude is okay, but please be civilized first) and list is huge. When our Delhi is so much developed as compared to the other places in India, then at least keep it NEAT and CLEAN. We all have been a part of some or the other educational institution and even though we had more of bookish knowledge at that time, still we know what problems we are facing, where and why. So, let’s not behave like hooligans and become normal, civilized, educated beings.

What we can do to avoid this rascal-ish spitting –
-Carry something in which you can spit, when you are out of home.
-Wrap chewed gums in some paper, keep it with you & as you find a dustbin (that’s generally on every bus stop now), dump it there itself.
-Make people feel that there spitting is making us vomit (obviously through expressions, don’t vomit & add to the woe).
-I am thinking….you can contribute too.

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