Thursday, May 10, 2012


I'm born alone, I've stayed alone,
I've known this life for long, when I was just a tiny song!
I've felt the crowd empty, for nothingness I hv tempted!
Yet d brightness allures, with dull galores!
It's haapiness all around,with sadness buzzing around!
With a feeling of hope,my confidence slips down the slope!
N d biggest part of all falling apart is, that this is all true!! This is ALL TRUE.. THIS IS ALL TRUE!!

Sunday for everything?

Sunday for everything?

Sunday..does it changes some rules, which are being followed daily?
I am talking about the DMRC..sunday afternoon, while I was travelling in the metro..the ladies coach was full of men.
1. They have actually dropped thr balls that they were traveling in d ladies coach.
2. Metro people don't feel that women should be safe on sundays, so they freed the platforms from the guards who push these assholes away from the ladies coach. So, bingo! Men can ogle at women on sundays.
3. I alone, (yes I am proud that I am pissed of them traveling in our coach), asked a few men around me to move to the further coaches but they didn't move..then I realised why so, the seats were also grabbed by assholes, so why the hell would standing assholes would move their butt. N ofcourse, if I alone would try to move them, why would they move, I need "WE" to make them bugger off our coach.
4. The metro dumbly plays the track saying "first coach is reserved for ladies, men are not allowed blah blah blah". It seems assholes love listening to this.they have made it there everyday music.
5. A funny incident took place. A ladies guard alone was left at one of the stations, which is daily damn crowded, she shouted on the assholes to move them ahead. But they were so many..again her efforts were waste like mine. Plus she stepped inside the metro, n was to how to get out, doors had been shut, but luckily they opened up again n she moved out n then she allowed more men to get inside the ladies coach.
6. All this is PARDONABLE, this fact is pissing stuff.
Wish rules were followed properly. The way they are meant to be. Not just to show off that rules have been made.
M sure if some authority person reads this, they are gonna say that atleast women are saved on weekdays!