Saturday, August 29, 2009

Where's life moving??

Long time back, actually just two months back I finished up with my graduation. During these few months, when I proved as the most busiest busy bee on Earth, life took a turn. I became grandma of honey Completion of graduation successfully had no impact on people, just because I couldn't clear any of my entrances for my "Masters". Anyway, finding my way out of the taunts, a little bad time, offcourse, struggle time is always difficult to pass through, I managed to settle down myself at this place called "Home Shop 18"(HS18), where I am interning. Mind you, its' an internship, not job, no payment, etc. Also, I joined Masters of Journalism & Mass Communication, weekend degree prog, for my masters to be completed side by side. Now, interning with HS18, creative deptt, is all new experience, courtesy my super-senior. Again I am introduced to a mix of different kinds of people, some are good, some are just okay for a hi-hello, some are weird, some are too-good??this still has to be searched...
In this all busy time, having 5-days working like mads and then 6th & 7th day studying full has become a bit bore, love-life (of all kinds) has taken a back seat, only little parts of fun are coming to me in very very small segments.. :( this wait between the settled job and struggle time is quite pinching and actually frustrating. But, anyways, lets see, how much patience and bearing power God has infused in me!!!! Hoping for good still....

Just a heart pour!!!