Sunday, March 22, 2009

God! Help us!

Wo lamhe..wo baatein..koi na jane…..

Being in love becomes difficult and risky enough when a person gets badly dependent on the partner. Always be independent in love, so that tomorrow even if the person walks out of your life or is not with you many-a-times, especially when you need him/her, you don’t feel like a drug addict who is waiting for his/her ecstasy. I wish, the people who still feel alone being with the whole world complete, could really forget their ecstasy. This is the situation that comes without giving a good jolt. Here, you cannot leave the person and move on and at the same time, you cannot even fill up the loneliness gaps given by them. Also, you find pretty useless to fight on these things all over again n again. Then, what to do??? How to fill up these gaps?? I still stand stuck at this question. I tried to fill it up with my understanding power, but it gives up at last, I tried music, work, friends, few useless people too and so on and so fore. But all of these don’t bridge the gap b/w requirements and satisfaction.

So, at this stage, I can only recall that, we are born alone, we gotta live alone and we will die alone only. So, why getting attached to people who are not permanent, rather nothing is permanent, so better not get yourself hurt afterwards. Infact, when we stop expecting, we get something obviously unexpectedly good. Don’t we???
p.s.- the biggest obstacle is that we even wait for that unexpectedly good thing to happen…another expectation…lol.